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Cleamie’s Music Festival/Event Survival Guide

So this is kind of off topic but on the subject of survival guides.. I thought it’ll be kind of cool to make a series of survival guides. Off topic and on topic of gaming. This just happens to be an off-topic one. If you missed my previous survival guide you can clickety-click here for Steam Summer Sale Survival Guide.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Photo by Marco Torres

Like many of you music lovers, I love going to music festivals, events, shows and concerts and have been going to them for about 6 years now mainly EDM ones, today I’d like to share some tips and tricks I learned over the years, I’ll keep it short to rave/event standards. Let’s jump in shall we?


1.) Wear Comfortable Footwear!

  • Remember to wear comfortable footwear while going to bigger events like Electric Daisy Carnival or Hard Summer, not all events have even terrain and floor, I know you ladies like to look sexy in heels but I’ve seen plenty of girls tripping all over the place or end up taking off their heels at the end of the night, that’s not very attractive..

Drawstring Pack

2.) Fanny Pack, Drawstring Packs, or Small Shoulder Bags.

  • They’re cheap and small usually meets the 10×10 or 12×12 guidelines of big events.
  • Keep all your belongings in one place and easy to grab, it’s also approve by all the events, sometimes I have gotten in with fluffy backpacks before but not always.

Extended Battery Pack

3.) Extended Cellphone Battery

  • If you’re going to be taking pics and recording videos on your cellphone better bring a extended cellphone charger!


4.) Walkie Talkies

  • Always bring walkie talkie, good luck getting service at big events, invest in a good walkie talkie with more private channels that way you don’t have other people talking in your channel and getting mixed up.
  • The one we got is the Midland GXT1000VP4 works great!


5.) Stay Hydrated

  • First thing I always do is purchase a bottle of water when I enter. It’s important to stay hydrated because of all the fluids and sweat you’ll lose over the course of time from dancing. If you’re going to be drinking, alcohol is a diuretic so it’s important to keep hydrated.


6.) Sealed Packs of Gum

  • Never know when you need some gum! Be nice and share with others!


7.) Sealed ChapStick/Lip Balm

  • Especially in hot summer time when your lips tends to get chapped. 

Port-a Potty

8.) IMPORTANT: Toilet Paper!

  • You’ll thank me later! Bring some toilet paper, not only for yourself but you will never know what to expect when you open those doors to the dreadful port-a potties.
  • Plus there are plenty of other uses for toilet paper it’s a no-brainer..

Hand Sanitizer

9.) Sealed Hand Sanitizer or Wet Wipes

  • Touched something icky? Or ate some messy festival food? You got that covered!
  • Not all events let you in with them but usually they sell them at their general store.

Plurr Heart

10.) P.L.U.R.R, Good Vibes, and Smile!

  • Peace, Love, Unity, Respect and Responsibility, most people don’t use the extra R in there but Cleamie does! Remember to rage responsibly ♥ !
  • Good vibes and smile, you came to have fun and experience an incredible experience with many other music lovers! It is the place to let your stress go at least for the day.

You made it through! Have a cookie!

Cookie Monster

Question: What is your favorite music festival or concert that you’ve been to?

Hope you guys enjoyed reading that as much as I enjoy writing it. Maybe I should post a music festival port-a potty survival guide huh? Hahah Leave any suggestions, advice and criticism as always. Remember: Rave responsibly!

Steam Summer Sale: Cleamie’s Steam Summer Sale Survival Guide.

Steam Summer Sale

You know what time it is.. It’s Steam Summer Sale time, going from July 11th ~ July 22nd. How are you guys surviving so far?

As you all know every year Steam holds a Summer Sale for many popular game titles, this year is no different, every single year I always end up spending money on games that I never would finish.

This year they stepped up their game by adding the trading cards that I mentioned few posts back where you collect cards and get rewarded with random profile background, more cards, experience points to level up on steam to unlock more profile options and more friend list slots. You collect the cards by playing the games that has cards available to them and trade them with your friends or buy/sell them on the marketplace.

Today I want to share a few tips on how to survive Steam’s Summer Sale.

Take My Money!

1. Set A Limit

Don’t go all crazy seeing all the discounts and start buying every game you see! A lot of these games actually drops 20-45% more later on in the week! So set a budget on how much you are willing to spend for the sale. Write every thing you bought down and the price you bought it for down if you have to. If you are going to participate in the trading card game and are going to buy cards in the market set a limit on that too.

2. Wishlist

Another great way to keep reminding yourself the games you really V.S. the game you kind of want and probably won’t even play is add the games you really want to get on your wishlist, steam actually have this great system now that they’ll email you when there’s a big discount on the games on your wishlist.

3. Trading Cards

If you get duplicate cards or you just don’t want to do the trading card game sell them on the market place! They may range from 10 cents to 50 cents for the normal cards but in the end they add up, you can use the money towards a game you want.

If you are into the trading cards try trading them with friends before hitting the market place.

Note: Every 10$ you spend you get a trading card, by voting in Community Choice you will get 1-2 trading cards as well and you can get limited amount of cards by playing certain games with cards available to them.

4. Flash Sales & Community’s Choice

There are new Flash Sales every 8 hours, keep a look out for your favorite games on the flash sale, and vote for Community’s Choice they give you a trading card or two.

5. Don’t Worry

You missed a Flash Sale or Community’s Choice on a game you really would love to have? Don’t worry, they’ll most likely go down to the same price again during the week. For example: Borderlands 2($10.19) won the Community’s Choice a couple of days ago and the price went back up 8 hours later and now it’s down again to the same price.  So did Hitman: Absolution ($6.24).

6. Friends

If you’re worry about overspending? Tell your trusty friends to look out for you, they can see all the games you purchased on steam activity.

Gabe Sale Time

Hope you guys find that a little helpful, happy steam summer sale!

I’m curious to know what games did you get from the Steam Summer Sale that you won’t regret? For me would be Sleeping Dog and Season Pass to Borderlands 2.