Blog Archives

Left 4 Dead 2: Silent Hill: Otherside of Life Ep.3 Pt.1 & 2


Hey what’s up guys, I know it’s been a while. We actually uploaded Silent Hill: Otherside of Life Ep.3 a week ago on the Active Variety channel. Feel free to check it out on our channel or down below.

How are everyone this week? Did anyone watched the International? Alliance v.s. Na’Vi was intense wasn’t it? Kind of disappointed Na’Vi lost but Alliance deserved the win. Definitely a really strong team.

This time we wanted to switch things up a bit and play in realism mode and we ended up lost for 1 hour and 45 mins…

Left 4 Dead 2: Silent Hill: Otherside of Life Ep.2 Pt. 2

L4d 2 Charger

Hey what’s up guys? Active Variety is back with Left 4 Dead 2- Silent Hill: Otherside of Life Ep.2 Pt.2!  I know that took a while but we’ll try to bring you a new one every week.

Excuse the mismatching song in the beginning we didn’t do a intro for this part so I had to replace it with a song 🙂 If you miss any previous episodes head to Active Variety and check out other videos we have.

Left 4 Dead 2: Silent Hill: Otherside of Life Ep.1 Part 1

Today Active Variety bring you another Left 4 Dead 2 custom map. This one is called Silent Hill: Otherside of Life according to the map developer Leafo said that the map is based on various events, real life locales and other weird random events from games and movies.

L4D2 Silent Hill

The map so far is pretty damn long for being a custom map, I wasn’t able to keep the video short enough to fit it all in one video unless I just skip through most parts, first initial impression of the map: awesome custom audio and texture of the campaign it self, even the characters have their own custom outfit which I find it interesting.

The map maker said that the map is meant to be played as single player campaign but as Nick and I continue with the map we find the AIs to be a little hard to work with.. The custom map is 90% done, so far he updates it pretty often which is good. Hope you guys enjoy Silent Hill: Otherside of Life, to be continued..

History with Zombies- Resident Evil 2 and DayZ

For those who knows me I’ve always enjoyed all things zombie related. I just want to share a little bit of my history with “zombies”. When I was 8 years old I fell in love with the game Resident Evil 2 also known as Biohazard 2. I’m  pretty sure most of you heard, played, or seen the game series or maybe have watched the movies.

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2) was developed by Capcom for Playstation 1. The story takes place in Raccoon City where the residents got turned into zombies by the T-Virus, a Bio Weapon developed by the Umbrella Corp. You play as Leon S. Kennedy, first day on the job as a Police Officer at Raccoon City (“Bad Luck Leon”anyone? xD)  Later on bumped into Claire Redfield who is looking for her brother Chris Redfield. With the fix camera view and the creepy slow door creaking open loading screen adds on the freaky feeling to this great survival horror game, not to mention puzzles, and limited ammo makes the game a little bit more challenging.

Unfortunately I don’t enjoy the other Resident Evil games as much as the 2nd one like the survival horror has been taking out of rest of the Resident Evil series.


Through out my experiences of trying out all different types of zombie games for years the DayZ mod from Arma 2 really made an impression on me, the realism of the gameplay really is really intriguing, it is definitely not a game where you can jump in for 20 mins and stop, being dropped into a huge map making it hard to meet up with your friends, on top of that having to worry about hunger, thirst, and your temperature for the total survival experience. Not only would you have to worry about finding supplies and zombies hearing or seeing you, you have to worry about other players killing you and robbing everything you spent hours scavenging. It’s kill or be killed right? 😛

Here is my favorite video on YouTube on DayZ.

I would like to know what is your favorite zombie game or horror game? If you don’t like horror games, what is your favorite game or games?

For those who missed it.. Here is my last video on S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Hotline Miami